Fae Breeds

Below is a list of Fae breeds you are welcome to pick from. If you have one that is not included in this list, please PM the admin and we will arrange it for you.
These creatures have been written to be flexible with as little restriction as possible.
Also keep in mind that human mixes are very common and definitely welcome.

Click a name and it will instantly pop you to the information of that breed.

Seelie Sidhe
Unseelie Sidhe
Slaugh Sidhe
Hell Hound

Please note; all Fae have extra strength though those specifically noted with it below have a higher ability amongst the total of Fae. All are capable of faster healing though it is optional for your characters.

Seelie Sidhe
These Sidhe are seen as light and all that is good. Though, this statement is not all that true. Seelie Sidhe are a lighter people but only in appearance. Physically they resemble close to humans and others with more glamorous features; golden hair or skin, soft yellows or oranges, sometimes even reds. Sidhe pure bloods possess tri-colored eye colors, though half breeds only sometimes have this feature.The success of their integration into the human world is mostly due to their likeness. Being able to physically fit in with humans they also play up their innocence and ‘ good nature’. The inner nature of the Seelie is a whole other story. While on the outside they seem to be a glorious god, their inner nature and thoughts are not always the same. Like many Fae, they too are able to conceal their true intentions.
Magical Abilities: Pure to mixed bloods are capable of glamour, a form of magic that enables them to alter their appearance. Some are better at this than others but it is their natural ability. Some use it to fit into the human mass better while others even try to use it to seem more glamorous (despite the illegal nature of that action).
They are also capable of a special touch. This touch allows the magic within them to flow from themselves to whomever they are having skin to skin contact with. The touch gives the receiver a form of ecstasy. Many do not use this simply because, to the Seelie, it is a form of sin and perversion of the body. If used too much on a human, it can cause the human to become addicted and wither from the lack of touch.
Pure bloods are capable of a Hand of Power. This power is a single ability they can summon. Only one power is given. Seelie typically have things to do with illusion, fire, light, nature, etc.)
*When having a high concentration of power, Sidhe skin can glow though this is usually only for a short time. It can be extremely evident in moments of great worry, fear, or pure happiness.
Capable of super-strength.

Unseelie Sidhe
These Sidhe are seen as dark and all that is evil. Again, this statement is not all that true. Though they appear dark and sometimes gruesome in appearance, they have been known to be capable of a kind heart. Like their counterpart, the Seelie, they are a beautiful people and godlike. Unseelie Sidhe are dark in physical nature; black hair, white skin, literal black skin and eyes, dark reds, etc. Sidhe pure bloods possess tri-colored eye colors, though half breeds only sometimes have this feature.They, like the Seelie, are not limited to just these looks. Unseelie are a bit more troublesome in their nature though, being much more open to chaos and mayhem.
Magical Abilities: Pure to mixed bloods are capable of glamour, a form of magic that enables them to alter their appearance. Some are better at this than others but it is their natural ability. Some use it to fit into the human mass better while others even try to use it to seem more glamorous (despite the illegal nature of that action).
They are also capable of a special touch. This touch allows the magic within them to flow from themselves to whomever they are having skin to skin contact with. The touch gives the receiver a form of ecstasy. Many do use this simply because, to the Unseelie, it is a form of euphoria and control. To many it is also the appreciation of nature. If used too much on a human, it can cause the human to become addicted and wither from the lack of touch.
Pure bloods are capable of a Hand of Power. This power is a single ability they can summon. Only one power is given. Unseelie typically have things to do with darkness, flesh, blood, nature, etc.) Capable of super-strength.
*When having a high concentration of power, Sidhe skin can glow though this is usually only for a short time. It can be extremely evident in moments of great worry, fear, or pure happiness.

One of the most feared and dangerous sort of Sidhe. Slaugh hold alliance to the Unseelie though are a court of their own. While the Unseelie accept them into the folds, they do not truly think these creatures as high as themselves. Slaugh are truly ugly and vial creatures, abominations of the Fae realm. But what makes them dangerous is their ability. Probably the strongest of the Sidhe physically the Slaugh have those who can fly and blend into the darkness making them viable assassins. Their gruesomeness also challenges many as it stuns their opponents and victims enabling the Slaugh the first attack. Slaugh do not have a Hand of Power such as the other Sidhe. Slaugh have, in the past, raped humans. The combination always produces some form of Slaugh physical side affect.
Magical Abilities: Blend to the darkness as the darkness itself.
They are able to sense rule and oath breakers amongst the Fae, followed with a compulsion to slay said individual.

In the traditional days, Brownies would move themselves into a home/farm and provide services for the owner. These services would include cleaning and repairing things. These creatures would only work at night an when they would not be seen. Often they were offered food and other gifts for their efforts though they were easily offended by this, so long as it was noted it was a payment, and move out. Despite their working nature, a Brownie’s appearance could be startling. Their skin is typically shades of browns, their eyes dark black holes, their lips thin and flat, and their noses nearly non existent except for indented holes where it should be. They also happen to be fairly short and legally considered dwarf in size. Mixed bloods of this breed typically suffer some aspects of the Brownie physical appearance.
Magical Abilities: Possessing a strength superior to most, Brownies rarely abuse this power only in extreme need.
Levitation is one of their more common abilities and they do use it. It is the ability to cause objects to rise in the air at their whim. More experienced user are even able to lift living creatures. Half breeds, especially mixed with human have this ability much weaker.

In mythology they obtained the title of dragons. These breed varies the most as some are winged, some are water able, and some travel beneath the earth. Most prefer their settings hot. Like Wereanimals, Drakes have two forms they can switch between. One is their lizard form the other is their human though many physical traits of their lizard carry over; slitted eyes, lack of nose, scales, etc.
Magical Abilities: Creation of fire via their breath.
Though more physical, some that have wings are able to use them.

These creature do not have a face of their own. Starting at birth, these creatures use the face of others. While many Fae must use glamour to do such a thing, Dopplegangers must do this. As a baby they share their mother’s identity samples. Usually contact with any being gives the doppleganger the ability to use their features. With some practice it becomes easier for Dopplegangers to take bits from each identity and create a new face from it. These Fae are typically approached by monarchs requesting their aid in spying or assassinations. Oddly these Fae are extremely flexible as they are capable of manipulating their bone structure and body type. Unfortunately this breed is not able to produce a mixed blood child. The genes of a Doppleganger are dominant above all.

Also known as Faeries or even more so; Fairies. The tiny winged folk’s name is so similar to their land’s for, as many Fae attest to, they are the heart of Faerie. Despite the Fae’s name, these creatures are nicknamed the Fey for their essence and anyone will not skip a beat to explain this to someone. The Fey are tiny humanoid beings that have wings of insects. Their stories are the most popular among humans. Despite the pictured kind and dainty nature of them, they truly are not. Instead they can be quite vicious and vulgar. But like in the stories, they do care for nature and lend it their helping hand. Not being fans of humans the Fey will typically shy aware from them and hide amongst nature using glamour to appear as bugs or small animals. Oddly, they have been known to fraternize with humans and produce children. How this is possible is up for debate. Some children are Fey sized, some come to human size.
Magical Abilities: Glamour. Much like Sidhe, the Fey can create illusions over themselves. Their illusions consist of appearing as bugs and small animals.
Communication with nature. Especially plants. Alongside this ability they have a green thumb and can cause plants to grown overnight.
Green thumb. Can make almost any plant grow quickly and healthy.

((Majority of this description was taken from a Merry Gentry website as I believe it best describes Goblins.))
Described as intimidating horrific creatures (from a human perspective) the Goblins consider moles and extra limbs and eyes marks of beauty. Goblin society is violent and taking blood and flesh during intimate scenarios is expected among them. Kingship among the Goblins comes not through inheritance but battle challenge. They consider anything that comes out of the body more valuable than jewels or weapons. They also happen to be fierce warriors that typically come to the call of the Unseelie court. Goblins claim themselves as a minor court of their own. There are all kinds of Goblins. Also have an impressive amount of strength.

Women of destruction. In mythology they were said to be terribly disfigured with various animal parts however that was a misunderstanding with the Slaugh. Harpies do have a cousin belonging to the Slaugh who have these stereotypical features though Harpies are vastly different. The only non humanistic feature these women have is a set of wings. The wings vary and can be scaled or feathered with a thin membrane between each branching of bone. Only a few are born without wings. Like in the mythology, these magnificent creatures have major aggression issue. They are hot headed and quick to anger while at the same time feed off of destructive energies. When in extreme bouts of rage these women have teeth that are rigid and pointed as well as talon like nails.
Abilities: Harpies are capable of flying though the city frowns upon the travel method.
Super Strength.
Beserk. When in an extreme bout of rage these creatures feel little to no pain.

Hell Hound
Probably the least humanoid Fae. Hell Hounds are simply just that, dogs. Once they held position in the courts next to every noble, the right hand. Over time as Faerie began to diminish and its magicks began to thin, many of the hell hounds disappeared. There are some that have remained, still living amongst the land looking for wild magic. Some have taken to serving humans with magical potential, guiding and aiding them into the path.
Magical Ability: To be understood. Throughout the years and integration into the human world, this ability came to due to the numbers that simply could not understand them. They cannot physically form words but it domes in the method of something similar to telepathy.
To run with the wild hunt. Another major function of Hell Hounds was to run with the wild hunt of the Slaugh.
Like the Slaugh, they are able to sense rule and oath breakers amongst the Fae, followed with a compulsion to slay said individual.

Men as Incubus and females as Succubus. These creatures appear as humans except for their oddly translucently tinted skin tone. They are the most beautiful, aside the Sidhe of course. Using those looks these creatures are an entity that uses sexuality to their advantage. Many can live off of simply having these kind of interactions while some, in rare cases need more. Those few require soul energy. Every creature of their kind is capable of this ability though do not require using it to survive.
Magical Abilities: Soul Sucking. Almost literally. During times of intensity, Incubi and Succubi can forcefully drain the energy of a person/creature from their soul. This creates a major high for them that can last days.

These creatures of mystery have been long recorded in man’s history. This particular Fae is less shy than others. Mostly common in Greek waters, Sirens have gained renown of Femme Fatales over the centuries, luring weary sailors to their deaths. The Siren song has shown time and time again the faltering of human men to their lusts. Singing their mystical songs throughout the water, they lure the sailors with the beauty of the sound toward reefs and rocks. The inevitable devastates the entire ship, providing the Sirens with a meal and laughter. Sirens have also been known to keep their prey alive, leaving them on small islands where they can continue to play. Physically they appear mostly human though when in water their legs turn to a tail. Many have gills located behind their ears as well as patches of scales. One feature of Sirens is their large eyes developed for better sight under water. An unfortunate attribute they cannot hide is the webbing between their fingers.
Magical Abilities: A Siren’s song is rather deadly. Even mixed with human blood one of these creatures can lure those with any spark of sexual interest in them. This song enables the Siren to be able to mildly control their victim for a short time and do their bidding. Older Sirens are able to hold the control longer. Not all sirens are able to do this out of water.
Breathing under water. Not exactly a magical ability but most are capable of breathing underwater through gills located behind their ears.
Communication. Over the time of their existence of living in the water, Sirens are able to communicate with other ocean life forms such as whales, dolphin and anything that makes noise to talk.

Vampyre always begin as humans. As they are incapable of breeding, they select their protégées with intense decision making. The turn rate of this creature is… not so good. More die instead of fully undergoing the transformation as soon as they Vampyre blood enters their system. Because of the Fae introduction, Vampyre are no longer able to pick someone and turn them at a whim. People come to them and beg for it. Still, because of the death rate, the government rejects them the ability. Does that really fully stop them? Vampyre are the bane of the government for they require blood to survive. Because healthcare cannot afford to constantly open blood banks to them, they have been granted permissions to feed off of those willing as long as there is no extra damage to the well being of the person. Like in typically mythology, Vampyre feed from fangs they can contract at will. They are best noted for their red eyes. As is with their kind, Vampyre are a dead body. No heart, no breath.
Magical Abilities: Shadow Stalking. Much like the Slaugh, Vampyre are able to blend into the darkness and travel amongst it. Though they are not quite as capable to blend as the Slaugh, their form is very well hidden.
Excellent vision that enables them to see the aura of humans and Fae alike. This allows them to read human’s memories rather well though Fae prove more difficult as Fae can place shields. Humans can place mental shields as well.
Enhanced speed. Many are able to maneuver very quickly, their speeds a blink of an eye for short distances. For longer travel, they are probably twice to three times quicker than humans.

Oddly, like few other Fae kind, Witches were developed from humans. Unlike Vampyre, they manage to maintain much of their humanity and are very much alive. It is very hard to tell a witch apart in a crowd for they are human. Many are given extended life or even immortality. Many times this is due to their power. Witches love to work in groups though there are those solitary practitioners, though groups provide more power. The more dark of the direction a Witch takes the darker she becomes inside and outside. They also become more powerful of harmful physical magics.
Witches are either born into their ability by a parent with the gene or are made. Some humans have a natural knack and it is just a matter of finding that piece. Once found they can grow from there.
Magical Abilities in these beings vary. If a witch dabbles in white magic he/she may cast protection and shields. Black magic and you’re looking at the meanest tricks in the book. Green Witches work with herbs, plants and trees to cast their magics, mostly using them to influence things on other beings.

Despite their nature, wereanimals are not the most dire of the Fae breeds though they probably are the most well known. These creatures are capable of transforming into an animal. For centuries they have existed and have lived alongside humans the longest. What is even more amazing about them is that not only can they be born this way but also be born human and turned by the bite or blood sharing of a wereanimal. One side affect these creature typically feel is the pull of their animalistic side. The beauty of this is their heightened senses such as touch, smell, sight and sixth sense of supernatural creatures. Many also experience slightly enhanced strength. Unlike the mythology, they do not feel the pull of the moon.
Magical Abilities: Shapeshift. The ability to transform into the animal they share blood with. They are only capable of one animal and it is the animal of their DNA. Older Wereanimals are capable of a partial transformation where they keep their humanoid figure but the appearance of their animal. Many are able to transform a single body part at will though containing that change for long periods of time is difficult.

As us, Humans make up the majority of the population. Though half bloods with Fae are becoming more and more common.
Humans can be accepting, afraid, hateful or uncaring about Fae. Though there is one group that is standing to cause.
Guardians of Eden is an organization specifically made up of humans against Fae kind. For whatever a human's reason, the Guardians always are seeking out anyone willing to do anything about their dislike. Even killing. Shaped by a powerful European family for centuries of services, Guardians have many resources at their disposal at any given time just about. For more information on a role with this kind of human, please view the Canons Page.


Hatter: hello Nov 14, 2013 18:56:52 GMT
Alexandra Ryder: elloooo Sept 17, 2013 22:32:02 GMT
Dren: Hello? Sept 15, 2013 8:05:32 GMT
Strike: Kinda sad this place is dying so young :( Aug 19, 2013 19:09:53 GMT
Admin: *let sigh* Aug 12, 2013 5:27:00 GMT
Strike: >.> Aug 10, 2013 16:26:01 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: -cracks fingers- Aug 5, 2013 20:40:03 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: ill post tomorrow strike i promise! Aug 5, 2013 1:56:59 GMT
Strike: *gives a cookie* Aug 5, 2013 0:43:18 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: time to do some posting Aug 4, 2013 14:29:36 GMT
Admin: *twidles thumbs* Aug 4, 2013 2:41:43 GMT
Admin: All good Shae, I had some things come up last minute this whole month and have been on the road more than home. Hoping to be back full force now Jul 29, 2013 21:58:50 GMT
Shaeleigh Finvarra: Sorry about the complete poof- sick family and lack of net means Shae gets neglected. I should be back with a vengeance this week. Jul 24, 2013 2:33:25 GMT
Admin: Sorry Arezu my mom came from 900 miles to visit me so I've been distracted. you will have a reply by tomorrow Jul 19, 2013 19:39:58 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: thanks ^^ Jul 16, 2013 23:41:30 GMT
Admin: Congrats! I know you were working quite hard on school ^^ and no worries. Schooling always comes first Jul 16, 2013 23:17:42 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: I'll be replying tonight, sorry for the delay.. took few days to rest -cough- Jul 16, 2013 15:49:39 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: And yeah was busy wit school. But good news is I graduated ^^ Jul 16, 2013 15:03:12 GMT
Arezu Ishtar: ello ello Jul 16, 2013 15:01:01 GMT
Admin: allo Hatter Jul 15, 2013 20:12:00 GMT
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